ref: 247, p. 35
ref: 53, p. 11
ref: 247, p. 35
112. Anna Katherine Hollingsworth
ref: 247
47. Frank Joseph Hollingsworth
ref: 247, p. 36
ref: 53, p. 11
ref: 247, p. 36
115. Kenneth Thomas Hollingsworth
ref: 247, p. 35
116. Leslie Leroy Hollingsworth
ref: 247
48. Nelson Christian Hollingsworth
ref: 247, p. 37
ref: 53, p. 11.
Name may be spelled "Dorna"
ref: 247, p. 37
ref: 53, p. 11
ref: 247, p. 37
ref: 247, p. 38
ref: 53, p. 11
ref: 247, p. 40
ref: 247, p. 40
53. Kenneth Anson Hollingsworth
ref: 247, p. 43
ref: 247, p. 43
ref: 247, p. 48
ref: 247, p. 48
ref: 247, p. 52
ref: 247, p. 52
BERTHA A. YORK, Winterset
Services for Bertha A. York, 94, a resident of the Bethesda Care Center, who died there Feb. 28, 1984, were held March 2 at the Earlham Friends Church with the Rev. Eldon Cole officiating. Burial was at the Penn Center Cemetery, Earlham.
Born July 15, 1889, in Jewell County, Kan., she was the daughter of Albert W. and Ann Hollingsworth Ratcliff.
She was a birthright member of the Friends Church and attened schools in the Burr Oak, Kan., area, then took normal training to become a school teacher. She taught rural school in her home area for five years before her marriage to Carl C. York on March 15, 1917.
After their marriage, the couple farmed near West Des Moines for 24 years before moving to the Earlham area. They also resided in Dexter and Stuart before moving to Winterset in 1965 where Carl now resides.
Survivors besides her husband are a son, R. Arden of Haviland, Kan.; daughters, Helen M. Piper of West Des Moines, Marjorie A. Slavens of rural Cumming, and Carolyn C. Moore of Earlham; six grandchildren and six great grandchildren; and a sister, Frances R. Phelps of Los Angeles, Calif.
Preceding her in death were her parents, and five brothers and a sister.
Personal knowledge-Carl York
Personal knowledge-Arden York
Personal knowledge-Glenn York
Carl York's birthday bookCARL C. YORK, Winterset
Services for Carl C. York, 98, Winterset, who died December 25, 1990, at the Bethesda Care Cener in Winterset, were held Thurs., Dec. 28, at the Earlham Friends Church with the Rev. Eldon Cole officiating. Burial was at the Penn Center Cemetery.
Born July 24, 1891 in Osborne County, Kan., he was the son of Hudson and Cora Hennen York. After living in Jewell County, Kan., the family came to Iowa to live on a homestead west of Dexer where he attended high school. He married Bertha A. Ratcliff of Jewell County, Kan., on March 15, 1917. They farmed in Polk County for 25 years.
He was also an assessor in Clover Hills and Walnut townships for 25 years. They moved to the Earlham community where they farmed for 10 years.
Over a period of 30 years he worked with Patrons Mutual Insurance at Stuart, as director, secretary and board member.
Following his retirement in 1966, the couple moved to Winterset. His hobby was building furniture for his children and grandchildren and he was active in church.
He is survivied by one son, Arden of West Des Moines; daughters, Helen Piper of West Des Moines, Marjorie Slavens of Cumming, and Carolyn Moore of Earlham; six grandchilden and seven great-grandchildren
SSN 573-30-3218
Information provided by Helen (York) Piper
ref: 247, p. 47
ref: 247, p. 47
ref: 247, p. 54
ref: 247, p. 54